Longing for homemade chocolate chip cookies in a snap? Nut butter does double duty by replacing both flour and regular butter in these five-ingredient,...
A hefty dose of cocoa powder makes these old-fashioned drop cookies perfect for fans of dark chocolate. The recipe is so simple, it's a natural for preparing...
Make these eerie, but totally edible almond cookies that resemble ladies' fingers. The final touch is red fingernails, which are dyed raw almonds. Let...
This buttery cookie gets better with age: It can be stored up to a month, and over that time its flavor deepens. Dip the tips of the cookies in melted...
These soft cookies are like mini pumpkin cakes-and you're guaranteed to get a bit of sweet, brown-butter-flecked icing in every bite. A combination of...
The secret to making unleavened chocolate cookies that are chewy and light lies in the technique. Egg whites, beaten until fluffy, are folded into the...
Simmered dried apricots with a hint of vanilla are a perfect combination of tart and sweet. (We tested apricot jam in this filling, and it wasn't the same.)...
This recipe makes 21 large or 34 small cookies, depending on the amount of dough used. Stir the leftover berry puree (used to tint the icing) into your...
Use this basic gingerbread recipe to make cutout cookies in various shapes. Our favorites are gingerbread boys and girls in different sizes, decorated...
Malted-milk powder adds a rich component to both these cookies and their filling. A double dose of chocolate (chopped semisweet and lots of cocoa powder)...
Even though the ingredient list may seem about as long as a grocery shopping list, they're simple to make. In fact, these Kitchen Sink Cookies are so basic...
This cookie dough is almost like a thick cake batter; if it is warm when it goes into the oven, it will spread too much. If needed, chill the dough briefly...
In one batch of hearty cookies, find the flavors of two bakery classics: chocolate chip cookies and banana bread. Chopped walnuts and rolled oats add texture...
Looking for a way to upgrade basic shortbread cookie dough? Add in chopped dried fruit, as we've done here, which adds texture and more sweetness. We love...
Torie Hallock makes these everything-but-the-kitchen-sink cookies at Skylands, Martha's house in Maine. They are full of oats, dried cherries, chocolate...